personal training & nutritional coaching.

want to move your body more, but not ready to commit to a group class? maybe you want to start eating healthier, but you’re not sure how to start. WE GOT YOU! email for more information on our personal training and nutritional coaching services.

we know, you’ve probably been to an indoor cycling class before, but if you haven’t tried one of OUR indoor cycling classes yet, come into our studio with high expectations. our mission is to bring a unique, one-of-a-kind experience that you won’t find anywhere else. we strive to always bring fun, innovative choreography specifically tailored to each individual class’ music playlist to ensure a different workout experience daily. we want you to look forward to riding with us - to come in thinking “I GET to go workout today”, not “I HAVE to work out today”.

bachelorette party? book a #BrideRide!

birthday party, girl’s trip, just wanna get all of your friends together for a ride? you can pick your favorite instructor, your go-to music jams and more! for more information on how to book your private ride, shoot us an email at

one-of-a-kind rhythm-based cycling classes


private rides.

what we offer.

family, friends, workout buddies, your home away from home - we wanna be it all. our vision is to create a tight-knit community of strong, supportive individuals that show up and cheer each other on every day - not just in the spin room, but outside of our four walls, as well. we want to get to know you, grow with you and be a part of your life - not just during the good times, but through the tough times too. we’re more than just a spin studio.

we’re your team.